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Minus x Minus  = Plus

By Mirna Zordan,

with Xue Yuting, Zhang Xi, Chen Chuisong

A Stage for 

Stress Sharing


Stress levels can cause tangible and intangible damages if not appropriately addressed. An enormous potential relies on stress sharing through human relationships. This study presents "Minus x Minus = Plus," an innovative concept combining EEG biofeedback to visualize and share stress in real-time. Through an artistic installation, this semi-controlled interactive system illustrates how shared stress can be transformed into a positive experience. This project provides installation builds upon the concept that two negatives give one positive, metaphorically addressing the need to enhance human interactions to reduce stress levels.

This project provides the opportunity for participants to visualize, identify, and perceive invisible bio-data: stress levels that hidewithin the human body and mind. Visualizing bio-signals stimulated audiences to share their experience and fostered awarenessof stress sharing and empathy among individuals. Strong empathetic resonance manifested when participants were figurativelyprojected on the same stage during the sharing experience. In thecontext of sharing stress, relationships between humans are precious resources for managing stress and potentially increasing stressreduction. By leveraging the concept of "technology for good," this system offers a creative approach to enhancing public awarenessof stress management through interactive art.

By applying a semi-controlled data processing system, we visualize individuals’ stress projected on an interactive stage through real-time Electroencephalography (EEG). Once stress is shared, the data will slowly vanish from the stage. Through this installation, we aim to spread stress awareness and the relevance of human relationships for stress reduction.


© Future Spaces Vision Lab

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